Saturday, June 28, 2008

Let's make a deal

I've done my fair share of bargaining with God or whoever/whatever is out there but this time I want to make a deal for a friend. Today I saw the most beautiful sight on her blog and literally jumped up and down in excitement for her, only to feel her heartbreak at the next post. So let's make a deal I will be patient and can wait another 4 1/2 years for a baby if she can get her's first... she honestly will make a wonderful mother and she's waited long enough. C'mon you know you want to make the deal...


MrsDrink said...

Cate...I don't have words for this post. I don't know why it's never dawned on me to click on your blog, but my heart almost melted when I saw this. You are seriously an amazing friend and I'm mad at myself for not telling you that more often.

(((HUGEST HUGS))) Thank you for being you and for this post. I could never tell you how much it means to me.

Catie said...

Shay I meant every word of it. We may have not always kept in close touch but you've always been there for me and this is the very least I could do for you.