Thursday, April 16, 2009


My computer died yesterday after Nate went through all the effort to try to restore it (and inadvertently delete all my pictures of Lex... I think he's jealous of my gorgeous boy lol). So until further notice I'll be sharing a computer with Nate which means I'll get very little time to log on.

After Lex kicked me in the face last week I developed a very nasty headache that has yet to go away. I was told initially that I just had a migraine but when it didn't go away I went and saw another doc at our clinic and he thinks that it's a muscle tension headache that started at the injury site since I was already swollen and sore there (although it was manageable until the kick). I'm on stronger pain meds and they help, until they wear off and then I'm miserable again but what can you do?

Lex had picture day today at daycare and when we get the pictures back I'll have Nate scan em so I can show everyone. We have conferences there next week and his well child is on the 24th so hopefully I can address any of their concerns with the doc as well.

Time to take more meds so off to La-La land for me...


Sarah said...

Oh no!!! I'm sorry you lost your pictures. Shoot. Do you still have any of them on your card for your camera? I try and print mine as often as I can just in case something like this happens...

Catie said...

Nope but there is a bright side, I would say a good 90-98% are on myspace and facebook so I can download them to where ever Nate finds a space for me.